Join our amazing team
Job summary
We are currently looking for an Office Admin to help with various office duties and logistics matters. Our ideal colleague is a dynamic, active and responsible person willing to offer support and strengthen our administrative department. The position of Office Administrative Assistant is a full-time and on-site position based in Cluj, Romania.
As an Office Administrative Assistant you will:
- Liaise with Management, Finance, HR, IT Departments for daily activities
- Property management for the company's rented apartments - orders, cleaning, guests check-in
- Keep the communication with the external stakeholders of the office in Cluj (services providers, equipment ordering, etc.)
- Organize business trips for company's staff (transport booking, accommodation logistics)
- Record working hours of employees
- Track employee absences and record details about personal days, sick leave, vacation days etc.
- Assure the employees' handover (meal cards, equipment handover, etc.)
- Prepare monthly and weekly reports and other reports as needed
- Assure the office is properly maintained and functioning
- Perform general office duties
- High-School or BSc degree
- Excellent written and spoken English skills (at least a B2 level)
- Advanced knowledge of MS Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Attention to details
- Organization, planning and problem-solving skills
- Team player with the capability to work in a dynamic and international environment
- Driving license (B category) is considered an advantage
- Previous work experience in services, logistics or other domain of at least 1 year
- Previous experience in a similar role is an advantage
What we will offer you:
- An intercultural experience
- Private health insurance covering medical centres around the country
- Meal tickets card (30 RON/ticket/worked day)
- Gifts on special occasions
- Different discounts (e.g., Books Express, Maze Centre of Psychology, floating therapy, gym discounts)
- Flexible working hours in the limits of a full-time job
- Team buildings and team events
- Professional development opportunities
- Growth opportunities within an international team
- The Most Helpful Team!
About MDPI
A pioneer in scholarly Open Access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. Our mission is to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines. We operate more than 300 diverse, peer-reviewed, Open Access journals supported by over 35,500 academic editors. We serve scholars from around the world to ensure the latest research is openly and broadly available.
MDPI is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, with additional offices in Europe, Asia and North America (Canada). We are committed to ensuring that high quality research is made available as quickly as possible. We also support sustainability projects as key themes in many journals, as well as through the MDPI Sustainability Foundation.
MDPI Romania was opened in 2019 with a first office and headquarters in Cluj-Napoca. Its impressive growth has led to the inauguration of a second office, in Bucharest, in late 2020. With a growing team of over 400 young people, we’re witnessing a continuous development both of our people and services.
Strada Avram Iancu 454
407280 Florești
Directions +40 364 150 134 View pagePerks of Working with Us
International Experience
Making Connections in the Academic Community Worldwide
Attending International Conferences
Plenty of Growth Opportunities
Chill Corner and Great Coffee in the Office
Private Health Insurance
40% Discount to Maze Center of Psychology
Meal Tickets Card
Gifts on Special Occasions
The Most Helpful Team!
Our Team
We are a young and dynamic team, sharing common interests and open-minded personalities. We are able to learn from each of our different traits and fields of expertise and, together, support the scientific community by publishing the latest research in high-quality open access sources.
About MDPI Romania
A pioneer in scholarly open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. Our mission is to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines. We operate more than 200 diverse, peer-reviewed, open access journals supported by over 35,500 academic editors. We serve scholars from around the world to ensure the latest research is openly and broadly available.
MDPI is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland with additional offices in Europe and Asia. We are committed to ensuring that high quality research is made available as quickly as possible. We also support sustainability projects, with sustainability as a key theme in many journals and through the MDPI Sustainability Foundation.
Join our amazing team